
Strong growth in Russian...

Dubai’s Russian tourism market is showing strong signs of recovery, the Dubai Corporation for Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DCTCM) has revealed. Hotel...

Jan 28, 2016
Trade and tourism boost helps...

Dubai’s economy will expand by around four percent this year, driven by the emirate’s strong trade and tourism performance on the back of lower oil...

Oct 01, 2015
Hotel demand and supply boom...

Hotel supply and demand in Dubai both reported positive growth in August 2015, compared to August 2014, preliminary data released by STR Global has...

Sep 01, 2015
64 billion invested in Dubai...

Investors and homeowners alike were spending big on Dubai property in the first quarter of this year, the latest figures from the emirate have shown. During...

Jul 01, 2015
Dubai aims 'to become top...

Dubai is setting things in motion to become one of the Arab world's top centres for art, design, film and fashion - sectors that cities outside the Gulf...

Apr 01, 2015